4 Exercises To Reduce Tummy Fat Post Pregnancy

Chances are, your stomach is still sporting a post-pregnancy pooch, even if you've lost the bulk of your baby weight. Try these tummy exercises after pregnancy to firm up that stubborn midsection.

1.Gentle Start-Up & Healthy Eating:

Now that as a new mother you may have to focus on both yourself and your baby, eating smaller frequent meals is advised. Healthy proportions of fruits and vegetables, along with the diet are strongly recommended as breastfeeding has started. This will help you to lose fat instead of lean tissue.

After six weeks of rest, post-delivery, you are ready for a gentle start up like walking. In the beginning, try to manage at least 15 minutes of walk, 5 times a week. You can also enjoy walking by taking your little one in a pram or push chair with you, if the weather is pleasant.

2.Basic Stretching & Twisting:

After few days of your start up you can move on to basic stretching exercises which are quite necessary for all your muscles. For your torso or upper body, you can try some twisting exercises as well. Do not push it too much- keep it light; you must feel active and energetic after these exercises.

3.Pelvic Floor Exercises:

Pelvic floor exercises are quite versatile- your doc may have advised you to practice these during and after your pregnancy. You must complete ten numbers of squeezes reps that have to be taken three times a day. This ought to maintain your pelvic floor in a perfect shape as you wanted it to be.

4.Lower Tummy Exercises:

These tummy exercises after pregnancy will help you get back in shape.

  • Get down onto your knees and let your elbows rest on the floor- you can do this on your bed but the floor is much advisable.
  • Make sure that your back has to be straight and that your tummy muscles are completely relaxed and free of stress.
  • All you have to do is start to inhale your breath and while you exhale your breath, you must constrict your pelvic floor muscles. Now pull your belly button inside and upwards. Deep breathing is a must during this exercise.
  • The best way to get through your aim is by going for short walks everyday for a minimum of half an hour. The best part about this exercise is that you already have started to feel a little lighter on your knees and the weight seems to be shunning down slowly and gradually.