5:2 Fast diet plan

Why 5:2 Fast diet plan?

First of all,5:2 fast diet plan is s simple. For two non-consecutive days a week you must limit yourself to 500 calories a day (600 for men) and the rest of the time you can eat normally,that ‘normally’ doesn’t mean you can feast on takeaways,you need to stick to the recommended daily calorie intake (2,000 for women, 2,500 for men).

So, what are the pros of the 5:2 diet?
  • Living longer. 
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. 
  • Improving cholesterol levels and blood-sugar control, and be anti-ageing thanks to its possible effect on lowering levels of the hormone Insulin-like Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1). 
  • Fasting for short periods may help to give your digestive system a rest.

Sounds great, are there any cons?

  • This diet is not suitable for pregnant women, Type 1 diabetics, children or people recovering from surgery. 
  • Fasting can leave you with less energy, which can affect your ability to function with daily tasks.